Monday, July 9, 2007

Updates: New Blog Format

Sorry for takin' so long ta get back ta y'all, folks. I've been a lazy gal. >_<

Anyways, in an attempt to make posting a bit easier on my part, I've blocked-out what ima do each day for the time being effective immediately.

Mondays: WTF Mate? - Random Shit. Don't ask.
Tuesdays: Otaku RPG - A story I'm working on at the moment. Most of the early stuff was already written-out, so suggestions won't become effective for the early bit.
Wednesdays: Ima Lookin' at J00! - Podcast Reviews
Thursdays: Things I Hate - Unleash the Bitch!
Fridays: Life of a Japanese Schoolgirl - The diary of a poor, unfortunate victim of a parody story. XD
Saturdays: More Otaku RPG
Sundays: DoS IRCast - Unlike the disaster that was my previous idea, this version will only have a few choice quotes from the IRC channel.

Welp, what are y'all waitin' for? Get ta readin'!


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