Friday, April 27, 2007

The Truth About Yaoi

For some reason, some people tout yaoi as being superior to yuri because "Yaoi focuses on character development and a deep, compelling story." Sorry to break it to ya, but yaoi ain't that much better than yuri.

1. The "deep story" tends to be rather shallow and overused. (ie. "That mysterious boy at school", "Childhood buddies") In fact, most of the time, the plot seems to just be an excuse to get the guys to get to teh buttsex. At least yuri titles are blatant about their purpose.

2. Character development . . . . yeaaaaaaaaaah. There's a dominant, seemingly cold, withdrawn guy and a girly guy. Any questions?

3. "The sex is just to show a deepening bond." Oh really? Then why is there so much attention payed to it? Yaoi sex is just as outlandishly set up as yuri sex. I seriously doubt cock rings and 69ing doesn't develop shit.

Now I know yaoi is all about teh gay sex. And that's the only reason I partake in it. XD I wish people would stop claiming it's an evolution in anime. It's just hentai with no girls.

On a different note, I hate how the mere mention of yaoi has guys whipping out the Red Bull and disinfectant. It's a guy . . . doing another guy. Big fucking whoop. "EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" "NONONONONO!!! YAOI IS TEH SUX!" etc. I know people have their preferences and all, but this is just stupid. It's fucking anime. Yaoi ain't gonna burst out of your closet and rape ya with an ear of corn. If ya like yaoi, great! If ya don't, good for you! Just quit your god damn bitching if you're the kind of person that has to publically voice your rather dull and childish disagreement (i'm referring to the people who go like "EWW EWWW EWW BUTSEX THATS FUCKING SICK"). So stop gagging and get some balls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Yaoi ain't gonna burst out of your closet and rape ya with an ear of corn."

sez you <_< I take no chances.