Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Big Guns

Y'know. I watch a lot of action-oriented anime and play a lot of video games and i've noticed something.

Bigger = Better

Apparently, i'm supposed to think that a lazer the size of a bus is a better weapon to lug around than an M16.

Now I know it's meant to be over da top, but come on!

Do we really need planet-sized robots swinging around planet-sized swords?

Or Cloud's buster sword which he can swing with one hand while fighting on a motorcycle?

But Gundam is the biggest culprit here.


This is the biggest fucking cannon i've ever seen. It's the size of an asteroid! Seriously, how often are you going to fire this thing?

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Don't let the dorky design fool you. This thing might as well be a mini-battleship. Missiles, a huge array of cannons, mile long beam arms, the works. My question is about those beam arms. How the hell are you supposed to control those things?! I mean, a mile long arc is good and all, but you'd be chopping up EVERYTHING with something that big.

Destroy Gundam:
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This gundam is armed with more beams than all the 80s disco balls combined. It is HUGE. I mean, it makes even battleships look small. Too bad it's slow as fuck and gets screwed the second someone gets in melee range.

Alrighty. That's enough . . . for now.

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