Monday, April 16, 2007

The Life of a Japanese Schoolgirl part 2

September 22, 2006

I went to the mall. First I stopped by the shoestore for some leather boots and steel-soled cleats. What are they for? That's a secret. :P Then, I went to the perfume store. Nothing much there, but I hear that in a week or so, they'll be getting a shipment of stuff that's really popular in Germany. I think they called it "Essence of Scat." It's almost poetic sounding! After that, I went to the video store to get some anime. You know, those import stores have been getting more popular lately. Maybe it's because they have five episodes on a disk for $29.99 instead of two for 50 bucks . . . Hmmm. This merits further research!
September 23, 2006

Oh . . my . . GOD! Ouran Host Club is teh BEST anime ever! Alas, my friends would never understand. I have to keep this a secret. If they think i'm an otaku, i'll never get any boys! Well, maybe those American boys. They don't seem quite as repulsed by otaku . . .
September 24, 2006

"You must construct additional pylons."

That phrase has been haunting me all day. Last night, I had a dream that I was building a HUGE alien city. But when I tried to bring people into the city, a voice would tell me "You must construct additional pylons." I tried to ask the voice what pylons were but it just kept repeating that phrase at me!!!! And then some wierd bug/mammal-like aliens came and make everything go splody'. T-T
September 25, 2006

This year will be awesome! I just know it! Sure Fujiko looks at me wierd every now and then and her dad keeps inviting me over to their house, but otherwise, everything's normal. Ah, I love my life. I have a feeling this is gonna be the best year of my life!


Anonymous said...

I think Fujiko needs a Bat-Bitch Slap

One Sin said...


Da next installment should fix that . . .