Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This Water Bottle Can Do Anything . . . Except Hold Water

Have any of ya seen da new Arrowhead bottle?
Looks pretty sweet, doesn't it?
All nice and aerodynamic with da curves and whatnot.

Well, guess what?


First, I tried ta open it.
Da bottle twists instead of da god damn cap!!
So, I tried reeeeeeeeeeeeally hard ta get da cap off.
It works, but now there's water all over me.
Seems like appying pressure ANYWHERE on the fucker makes it squirt water anywhere.
The worst part is, I buy em' in bulk (What can I say? I'm a thirsty gal), so ima have to put of with about 20 or 30 of these suckers.

Sure it looked ugly, but I'd take the old bottle over this one anyday . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have something in common, I have been whining about the new eco-Arrowhead bottle since I first saw it a few months ago...stopped buying prompted me to start a petition to bring back the old bottle...yes, I'm definitely crazy, and with too much time on my hands...but don't let that stop you from signing: