Sunday, April 29, 2007

Ima Lookin' At J00!: Comedy4Cast

Review Based on episodes 1-10, and 49-103.

"Comedy4Cast: Comedy in four minutes or less"
That's their slogan right there.
Comedy4Cast is a short, 4-7 minute podcast in which the host (I think his name was Clinton or something) does a seemingly random skit before going into chat mode.

- The first four minutes are the "comedy".
- Usually, he does a random skit as himself. This can be anything from using time travel to edit his podcast to fighting against the evil known as the online signup interface.
- Sometimes, he plays other characters. One of them is an imbecile who . . . well . . .is imbecilic! Another is an average guy who speaks like a noble so everyone thinks he's rich and powerful. And another is someone who starts all his sentences with "basically".
- These skits rely too much on randomness and often fall flat on their faces. I mean, when over 80% of the skit makes no sense, it just ain't funny. Randomness is something that's best used at key moments like "The pythagorean theorem is a squared times b squared equals BALLS!" as opposed to "BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS BALLS i like tea BALLS BALLS!" I really don't know where I got the balls from . . .
-The mid to new episodes have a little chat session with Clinton at the end. These mostly pertain to comedy4cast and himself in general.

Sound Quality:
- Earlier episodes have tolerable sound quality. Most certainly not amateurish.
- More recent episodes have nearly flawless sound quality.

Recommended Episodes:
1, 49, 50, 59, and 79

1/5 - Though there are a few good episodes here and there, they're much too rare to subscribe to the podcast.

Ima Lookin' At J00!: Comedy Central Motherload Webshows

This is another vidcast by Comedy Central. This time, the content consists of various shorts from their motherload thingie.

- 2-5 minute shorts.
- Content incledes everything from animated shorts to standard skit-based comedy.
- Sorely lacking in terms of amusement value.
- I wouldn't be surprised if they just took the shit that they wouldn't want to put on TV and threw it together into this shitty excuse of a vidcast.

1/5 - Don't Bother

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Truth About Yaoi

For some reason, some people tout yaoi as being superior to yuri because "Yaoi focuses on character development and a deep, compelling story." Sorry to break it to ya, but yaoi ain't that much better than yuri.

1. The "deep story" tends to be rather shallow and overused. (ie. "That mysterious boy at school", "Childhood buddies") In fact, most of the time, the plot seems to just be an excuse to get the guys to get to teh buttsex. At least yuri titles are blatant about their purpose.

2. Character development . . . . yeaaaaaaaaaah. There's a dominant, seemingly cold, withdrawn guy and a girly guy. Any questions?

3. "The sex is just to show a deepening bond." Oh really? Then why is there so much attention payed to it? Yaoi sex is just as outlandishly set up as yuri sex. I seriously doubt cock rings and 69ing doesn't develop shit.

Now I know yaoi is all about teh gay sex. And that's the only reason I partake in it. XD I wish people would stop claiming it's an evolution in anime. It's just hentai with no girls.

On a different note, I hate how the mere mention of yaoi has guys whipping out the Red Bull and disinfectant. It's a guy . . . doing another guy. Big fucking whoop. "EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" "NONONONONO!!! YAOI IS TEH SUX!" etc. I know people have their preferences and all, but this is just stupid. It's fucking anime. Yaoi ain't gonna burst out of your closet and rape ya with an ear of corn. If ya like yaoi, great! If ya don't, good for you! Just quit your god damn bitching if you're the kind of person that has to publically voice your rather dull and childish disagreement (i'm referring to the people who go like "EWW EWWW EWW BUTSEX THATS FUCKING SICK"). So stop gagging and get some balls.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ima Lookin' At J00!: Comedy Central: Stand-Up

This is a video podcast released by Comedy Central. It takes 1-4 minute clips from their countless standups. Obviously, it was intended more to get people interested in Comedy Central than provide entertainment.

-The releases are hit or miss. Some of the stuff will make you chuckle, but most of the time, it just ain't funny.
-If it is funny, the shows are too damn short to leave a lasting impression.
-If they just made the shows 5-10 minutes long, it would improve exponentially.
-Somehow, this vidcast made it into the itunes top 100 podcasts. This leaves me to believe that either a lot of people that are fans of Comedy Central blindly subscribed to the cast or there's some corruption goin' on in Apple.

-TV grade

2/5 - It has it's moments, but it's mediocre most of the time.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Ima Lookin' At J00!: X-Play Daily Video Podcast

The X-Play Daily Video Podcast takes the reviews from the show on G4 and makes them avalable in 3-4 minute episodes. The show reviews video games while occasionally throwing in a skit or two.

-The reviews themselves are well-informed despite the shallow appearance of the show.
-Though said reviews do tend to be exaggerated when they're about hyped-up monsters like God of War, they're very accurate and reliable for other games.
-Unfortunately, they shoehorn a shitload of "comedy" into these reviews. Most of the time, the jokes are juvenile and fall flat on their faces.
-There are a few exceptions to this. The most notable ones are the Splinter Cell Co-Op Theater episodes, which are hillarious.

-Both of the hosts are seasoned gamers and they know what they're talking about, but they're not comedians.
-While not annoying, they aren't TOO special. At least they didn't get some sweaty, middle-aged man who mumbles like crazy.
-If they'd drop those god damn lame political/pop culture jokes and focused on reviewing, they'd easily become much better.

Sound Quality:
-TV Grade. Need I say more?
-For those of you with shitty TVs, I'm saying it's as good as it gets.

3/5 - It has its uses, but it won't be winning any awards.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ima Lookin' At J00!: Ancestor

Ancestor is a novel written by Scott Sigler.

Up until recently, it was avalable on itunes as a podiobook. I dunno if it's still avalable elsewhere.

Ancestor is a story about a company's desire to bring back an ancient creature to use for organ transplants. As the project progresses, the sinister nature of these ancestors is revealed.

- The story is quite captivating, especially around the middle.
- Characters aren't ultra-deep, but there's a bit of depth to them.
- Plot twists were relatively original until the very end at which point the story lost some momentum along with a good bit of my interest.

- Scott Sigler does all the voices himself. The female and deep voices are so-so, but his other voices are quite interesting.
- He rarely adresses the audience, prefering to just tell the story. This keeps things short and to-the-point.

Sound Quality:
- Flawless as far as I can tell.
- The transition music is very low-key and lets the story flow while getting the change in perspective or location across.
- There is a problem regarding this in one chapter where the perspective constantly changes between two people in the same area. This gets kinda annoying really quickly.

4/5 - Not a must-watch, but pretty damn good.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ima Lookin' At J00!: The Onion Radio News

Before I start on this review, "Ima Lookin' At J00!" was originally a sub-show on my podcast, "Blood, Crack, and Anime." Recently, I decided it would be easier to just do it here. In ILAJ, I review the many podcasts I listen to.

"The Onion Radio News" is a fake news podcast where the host makes up a 1-2 minute news flash with some outrageous premise.

- Completely Random
- Short, but not sweet
- This is a show that tries too hard to be funny, and it does this by throwing completely random jokes at you. While some randomness is good, just having a random phrase thrown at you does not make for lolz. In fact, most of the "comedy" flies over your head and comes off as juvenile at times.

- 1-2 minutes per show isn't enough to make the host too significant . . .
- He isn't annoying, i'll give him that.

Sound Quality:
- Well-done
- No blemishes as far as I can tell

1/5 - Don't Bother

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Life of a Japanese Schoolgirl part 3

October 10, 2006

*Sniff* Sorry it's been so long. It's just that . . . It's just that . . . daddy died. He was found in his bedroom strangled to death during what was probably a cocaine-filled orgy. Now it's just mom and me . . . without any income.

Shit. This is gonna get ugly, isn't it?
October 11, 2006

Everyone at school stared at me wierdly today. No one seemed to want to talk to me. Even Fujiko's funny stare changed to a different one! The wierd thing, though, is that some kid asked me for crack . . .
October 12, 2006


Instant Ramen today. It tastes like cardboard and makes my tongue bleed, but I guess it's all i'll get until we get some money . . .
October 13, 2006

Instant Ramen . . . again.
My taste buds stopped bleeding.
If my body adapted, then I guess i'm all right.
But if it's like frostbite . . . . .
October 14, 2006

Instant Ramen.

My tongue is turning green . . .
October 15, 2006

Instant Ramen.

I can't taste anymore!
October 16, 2006

Instant Ramen.

I can almost swear that I saw something moving around the house . . .
October 17, 2006

Instant Ramen.

Oh my god. I saw it. It's a mudkip! What the hell is it doing in my house?
October 18, 2006

Instant Ramen.

It's an infestation!! I've been seeing more and more of these things . . .
October 19, 2006

Instant Ramen.

Every time I turn my head, I see five of them.
And the voices call to me too.

"I hear you liek mudkipz."
October 20, 2006

Instant Ramen

I hear you liek mudkipz. I hear you liek mudkipz.
I hear you liek mudkipz. I hear you liek mudkipz.
I hear you liek mudkipz. I hear you liek mudkipz.
I hear you liek mudkipz. I hear you liek mudkipz.
I hear you liek mudkipz. I hear you liek mudkipz.
I hear you liek mudkipz. I hear you liek mudkipz.
I hear you liek mudkipz. I hear you liek mudkipz.
I hear you liek mudkipz. I hear you liek mudkipz.
I hear you liek mudkipz. I hear you liek mudkipz.
I hear you liek mudkipz. I hear you liek mudkipz.
I hear you liek mudkipz.
I HEAR YOU LIEK MUDKIPZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Great Pedo Hunt

Y'all may have noticed that we have a surplus (any number greater than zero) of pedophiles. Thus, i've decided to declare The Great Pedo Hunt.

What crazy scheme is this?

It's simple:
1. Take one or more of the images on the bottom of the page.
2. Find a pedo or a pack of pedos and slap da image on them.
3. Get far away but not out of visual range and wait.
4. Within minutes, our agents will systematically eliminate the infestation with sniper rifles, gatling guns, grenades, and the like.
5. If you put a gigantic one on the ground, out bombers will procede to raze the city.
6. If you're the do-it-yourself kinda person, Walmart has shotguns for sale.

Good luck!
The fate of little girls (and some boys) around the world rests in your hands . . . and guns . . and instruments of torture.

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Monday, April 16, 2007

The Life of a Japanese Schoolgirl part 2

September 22, 2006

I went to the mall. First I stopped by the shoestore for some leather boots and steel-soled cleats. What are they for? That's a secret. :P Then, I went to the perfume store. Nothing much there, but I hear that in a week or so, they'll be getting a shipment of stuff that's really popular in Germany. I think they called it "Essence of Scat." It's almost poetic sounding! After that, I went to the video store to get some anime. You know, those import stores have been getting more popular lately. Maybe it's because they have five episodes on a disk for $29.99 instead of two for 50 bucks . . . Hmmm. This merits further research!
September 23, 2006

Oh . . my . . GOD! Ouran Host Club is teh BEST anime ever! Alas, my friends would never understand. I have to keep this a secret. If they think i'm an otaku, i'll never get any boys! Well, maybe those American boys. They don't seem quite as repulsed by otaku . . .
September 24, 2006

"You must construct additional pylons."

That phrase has been haunting me all day. Last night, I had a dream that I was building a HUGE alien city. But when I tried to bring people into the city, a voice would tell me "You must construct additional pylons." I tried to ask the voice what pylons were but it just kept repeating that phrase at me!!!! And then some wierd bug/mammal-like aliens came and make everything go splody'. T-T
September 25, 2006

This year will be awesome! I just know it! Sure Fujiko looks at me wierd every now and then and her dad keeps inviting me over to their house, but otherwise, everything's normal. Ah, I love my life. I have a feeling this is gonna be the best year of my life!

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Life of a Japanese Schoolgirl part 1

Now y'all know I watch a lot of anime. One of da odd things i've seen is all da bizzare shit that happens to da schoolgirls. So in commemoration of this madness, i've decided to make little something.

September 15, 2006

Hello, diary! I had my first day of my senior year. Yup, it was awesome! I mean, I met soooooooooo many hawt guys. There's my professor, my best friend's boyfriend, my childhood friend who i hadn't seen in years, and even my long lost stepbrother! I can't tell daddy though, cuz he'll give me the belt again . . . >_<

September 18, 2006

*Sniff* That Fujiko can be so mean sometimes. All I did was flirt with her boyfriend and she said all those things about me being a slut! It's almost like she has some grudge that's been kept a secret under her friendly exterior because she wants to make me suffer like someone drowning in coca cola! You know what this means . . . . snooping time!
September 19, 2006

Fujiko's mother slapped me three times for looking in her secret drawer. How was I supposed to know she kept her toys there?
September 20, 2006

Fujiko's dad didn't know anything . . . but he gave me twenty dollars for a "massage" Jeez! The stock market must be crazy or something for prices to go that high! Maybe I should do this more often . . .
September 21, 2006

Aww that Fujiko is such a joker. She was just kidding about the whole whore thing. Hehe Gotta love her. I wish she'd be more careful with that knife though. She almost got me with it! >_<


Now that I think about it, this is more of a Blarg than a Blog, isn't it?

I mean . . . . . . . . . . . .

Umm . . . .

Aha! Words fail to express the significance of the word "blarg".




Thursday, April 12, 2007

What Ever Happened to da Good Ol' Villains?

I look around these days and I see three distinct types of villain.

1. The Emo Bitch
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This here's Akito Sohma. Sure he looks badass at first, but every time he opens his mouth it's to spill some bullshit about vengeance or cursing his fate. These guys are all about grudges like most other villains. The problem though, is that they do this VERY VERY loudly and with shitloads of angst and tears, and Blah Blah Blah CUT MY LIFE TO PIECES!!!

2. The Psycho
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This here's Jin-e from Rurouni Kenshin. He is a psycho mofo who kills and kills and kills. Why does he kill? BECAUSE HE'S APESHIT CRAZY! These guys aren't cruel in the traditional sense. If they impale you on a stump, it's nothing personal. Side-effects may include twitching, random screams, non-emo self-inflicted damage, and funky-eyes.

3. The Conqueror
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The dude in the back is that evil guy (one of them) from Excel Saga. He wants to conquer the city. Why? No one knows . . . This type of villain has some kind of compulsion to build an empire without end, making for rather lame character development.

These types are good and all, but they get boring quickly. I wanna see some more of the Hardcore Villain type!!!

Motive? What motive? These guys make your life fucking hell because they can. Sometimes bearing cold expressions and sometimes being arrogant, they strike without warning and fuck up anything that looks at them oddly. XD

Too bad this type of villain's scarse these days with most modern plots involving a "deep" yet rather shallow antagonist . . . T_T

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Big Guns

Y'know. I watch a lot of action-oriented anime and play a lot of video games and i've noticed something.

Bigger = Better

Apparently, i'm supposed to think that a lazer the size of a bus is a better weapon to lug around than an M16.

Now I know it's meant to be over da top, but come on!

Do we really need planet-sized robots swinging around planet-sized swords?

Or Cloud's buster sword which he can swing with one hand while fighting on a motorcycle?

But Gundam is the biggest culprit here.


This is the biggest fucking cannon i've ever seen. It's the size of an asteroid! Seriously, how often are you going to fire this thing?

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Don't let the dorky design fool you. This thing might as well be a mini-battleship. Missiles, a huge array of cannons, mile long beam arms, the works. My question is about those beam arms. How the hell are you supposed to control those things?! I mean, a mile long arc is good and all, but you'd be chopping up EVERYTHING with something that big.

Destroy Gundam:
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This gundam is armed with more beams than all the 80s disco balls combined. It is HUGE. I mean, it makes even battleships look small. Too bad it's slow as fuck and gets screwed the second someone gets in melee range.

Alrighty. That's enough . . . for now.

Where da Fuck Did You Come From?

I'm sure y'all are wondering where else the demonic entity known as One Sin lurks.

Welp, ima tell ya!

Dawn of Sin Forums
It's my forum where people . . . . forumize? XD
Anyways, ima go into detail some other post. There's too much ta explain here.

As you can tell by the name, i'm an egotistical bitch. >_<
Blood, Crack, and Anime
It's a podcast that a buncha people, my brother and myself included do. It's centers around anime, manga, and video game reviews, but we often do random stuffies. Just so ya know, start from the newest episode and work your way back. Da earlier stuff is shit. T_T

I have IM and Skype accounts, but i'm never on . . . so there. XP

You Are Now Entering a No Emo Zone

Now i know what you're thinking.

"One Sin's probably just another emo girl who uses an inverted cross or something to pleasure herself in her demonic rituals."

That second part aside <.< >.>, nopers!

I'm a happy, peppy gal and i like puppies, and unicorns, and corn, and man-rape, and . . .

Aww shit. Ya found me out.

Now ima have ta kill da lot of ya!

But seriously (is that even possible?), you aren't gonna hear me bitchin' about stupid shit like . . . well . . . emoness!

So keep on readin'!

Da power of Christ compels you!!!!!
or da Devil.
or James Dean.
or Corn.

Whatever hits da spot. XD

All Your Blogs Are Belong To Me

Hiyas, folks!

I'm One Sin! Some of ya may also know me as One_Sin, OS, that crazy bitch, or Bob.



. . .

Anyways, i'm guessin' an introduction is in order.

I'm a 22 year old rough and tumble Cali gal.

I know it seems like a paradox, but . . .

On second thought, nevermind. It is a paradox. XD

I'm a random gal and I like ta do everything from writin' stories to screamin' obscenities at slow drivers to getting really really really high.

Crack! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Gettin' back on track, my hobbies include watchin' anime, readin' manga, playin' video games, podcastin', collectin' Zaku models >_<, cruel and unusual torture, random acts of violence, procrastination, and corn.

How is corn a hobby?

Well . . . Errr . . . . Look over there! It's free porn!

*Runs Awai*

Yes, I meant to spell it with an "i".


Find out next time on Drago- I mean Living In Sin!!!